Trish M Blog

FABTALK with Trish M

A Secret to Breakthrough Jul 29, 2022

Praise. Plain and simple. Prophetic praise is a major key in receiving the breakthrough. So, what exactly is “prophetic praise”? I’m so glad you asked! It’s simple. The prophetic is foretelling or foreseeing something in the future. Whatever you see in your future, can you...

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Get Ready to Decree It Jul 22, 2022

When I tell you there is so much power in your prophetic decrees! Yesssss! The power of life is there…and so is the power of death. When you decree life, you are decreeing for something to prosper. You are decreeing growth to something. You are decreeing BREAKTHROUGH. It’s in your...

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Vision for NEXT Jul 15, 2022

Habakkuk 2:3 

For still the vision awaits its appointed time; it hastens to the end—it will not lie. If it seems slow, wait for it; it will surely come; it will not delay.

One thing I want you to know. Sight is a function of the eyes, but vision is a function of the heart! Vision is...

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Don’t Talk It….Walk It Jul 01, 2022

It’s all about faith right now! We are halfway through this year, and I gotta tell you….So many blessings are on the way! This is the year of double! This is the year of increase! This is a set year of favor! I’m not just saying this to say it. I have to remind you of where you...

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Pray like Jesus Jun 24, 2022

Listen to me. You are in a new season right now. Yeah…I know summer just came in literally, but you are truly in a new season of your life. Can you feel the transition? Can you feel the pull? It’s not by happenstance that you feel that. God has shifted us to another season in our...

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What You Gonna Do? Jun 17, 2022

The best thing that you can do in this now season is take care of Y-O-U. You have to make YOU a priority. You have to get clarity on what you want and need, but also what you don’t want and need. Take inventory of your life to see where you are at. What have you been tolerating for far too...

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Don’t Fall for It May 10, 2022

First off…I want to wish all the mothers out there a Happy Mother’s Day! God is so good! It always brings joy to my heart at the thought of being a mom. The struggle was real, but God is REALER! So, shout out to all the moms and the moms in waiting like I was. I always send a special...

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Stop What You Doing Martha May 03, 2022

Luke 10:38-42

New International Version

At the Home of Martha and Mary

38 As Jesus and his disciples were on their way, he came to a village where a woman named Martha opened her home to him. 39 She had a sister called Mary, who sat at the Lord’s feet listening...

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Grow Through It Oct 23, 2020

No matter the storm, no matter the trial, no matter the test… God wouldn’t have allowed it unless he had a purpose behind it. In the midst of it all, remind yourself to not just go through it, but GROW through it.

One thing that I have learned over the years is that I need to ask God...

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WHY BE SO STUBBORN?? Oct 05, 2020

Yep….we’ve all had our moments of stubbornness! We have to be honest with ourselves…how much of our lives evolve around being stubborn? states that stubborn is:

1) unreasonably obstinate; obstinately unmoving.

2) fixed or set in purpose or opinion; resolute: a...

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WHAT YOU DON’T SEE IS…… Sep 28, 2020

You can’t let what you don’t see interfere with what’s GONNA BE!

Yep, I said it! Listen, a lot is going on right now….in the world and around you. But all of that is a DISTRACTION! Don’t you do it! Don’t get distracted! Let this be your motivation to get...

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Oftentimes we want the next level in the things of God, but we don’t realize that WE are standing in our own way. We tend to interfere with the plans of God for our very own life and don’t even realize it! And a majority of times, it begins with our thinking. Everything begins with a...

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