Trish M Blog

FABTALK with Trish M

Youā€™re Birthing GREATNESS Jul 14, 2023

Get ready... you’re about to birth GREATNESS! Something phenomenal is about to happen in your life. I need you to have a spirit of expectation that it’s already done! I need you to have the mindset that things are shifting in your favor! I need you to know beyond a shadow of doubt...

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The Faithful & Fabulous Woman Jul 07, 2023

Faithful and fabulous go hand in hand. Being faithful is absolutely fabulous in the eyes of God! God loves a faithful believer! Matter of fact, He says in His Word that without faith, it's IMPOSSIBLE to please him!


That let's me know a few things:


  1. Faith has to be your best friend....
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The Power of the Overcoming Woman Jun 30, 2023

You are an overcomer. You are a winner. It’s in you! You can overcome anything that tries to overcome you! There is next level glory coming for you, so don’t you dare give up or give in!  


I am so pumped! We just finished our Circle of Fabulous Women Empowerment Summit,...

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You Can Win Jun 23, 2023

I hope you got a chance to read last week’s blog on responding the right way. This is part 2. I want to encourage you, that no matter what’s going on, you can still win. You can still come out victorious. Whatever the enemy is trying to do to beset you, don’t let him...

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Learn to Respond the Right Way Jun 16, 2023

Have you ever been tried and tested? I mean…..really tried? Like…they’re testing your “gansta”. Like….they want to see what you will allow. Like….they think because you are saved, sanctified and filled with the Holy Spirit that you’re not going...

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Thereā€™s POWER in Knowing Jun 02, 2023

It’s time to go to another level. It’s time for something more. It’s time to be something more…to do something more. But you know what that takes? It takes prayer! It takes meditation. It takes seeking the face of God as you believe God for more to manifest in your...

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Step to the Plate & WIN May 26, 2023

God is not the God of confusion. He only confuses the enemy. God is not into bringing confusion to you or your house. If you sense confusion in your house, in your life, in your business…whatever or wherever it is, just know that the enemy is there trying to disrupt something. God...

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Distractions Wonā€™t WIN May 19, 2023

In these days, it can be extremely hard to focus your mind. So much is going on all around us each and every day! It’s in those time that you have to determine what you will do…bbque or mildew. BBque means that you will stay focused no matter what comes your way. It means that...

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You know God is moving when you see the hand of the enemy trying to interfere by bringing chaos, confusion and disruption. That’s a true sign that you’re on the verge of something amazing. Now, I know that’s not something we like or want to go through, but I want to encourage...

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Itā€™s a SETUP for Greatness Apr 07, 2023

John 20:24-29 

New International Version 

Jesus Appears to Thomas 

24 Now Thomas (also known as Didymus[a]), one of the Twelve, was not with the disciples when Jesus came. 25 So the other disciples told him, “We have seen the Lord!” 

But he said...

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Decree it now Feb 03, 2023

I know the new year has started. I know we are in the 2nd month already. I know this. My question for you is... are you still decreeing in 2023? Are you still declaring blessings and favor over your life, your family, your children, etc.? As you decree a thing, it shall be established. So....

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Own Who You Are Jan 27, 2023

I had the opportunity to interview 2 dynamic women in the faith. Matter of fact, they’re 2 of my mentees who are in my “The Fabulous Woman Mentoring with Trish M” program. (By the way, this program is amazing, and we are having a dynamic time!  Check it out when you can)....

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