Decree it now

Feb 03, 2023

I know the new year has started. I know we are in the 2nd month already. I know this. My question for you is... are you still decreeing in 2023? Are you still declaring blessings and favor over your life, your family, your children, etc.? As you decree a thing, it shall be established. So. what exactly are you getting established for this 2023 year?

In order to get things done, you have to maintain your focus no matter what comes your way. You have to be able to hear God and do what He says do. You have to come in alignment with His will for your life. You know what one of the things that God desires for you? He desires that you be blessed and prosper. As you decree a thing in 2023, make sure you continuously decree blessings and prosperity over your life like never before.

Here's another thing. You're going to have those days where you don't feel like saying or doing anything. Yep, it's going to happen. In those moments, I want you to remember your WHY. Remembering your WHY will help you stay committed to what you're decreeing for 2023. Your WHY will motivate you when nothing else does. Here's another thing, people need to see your decrees manifest because they need to be inspired and motivated by YOU when they have those moments when they're not motivated. We're all in this together whether we know it or not. We need each other. We need accountability. We need people motivating us and challenging us to do what's right; we need people to help us remember our WHY.

That's what I'm doing today. Reminding you of your purpose. So don't get quiet on me! Keep decreeing in 2023! Somebody needs to see you manifest it! #Selah

Check out my latest podcast below!  Click the play button!  We hope that it blesses you in starting out your 2023!

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