The Power of TWO!

Dec 30, 2022

Things are happening as we come upon this new year. Tests…..challenges…can you feel it in the atmosphere? You have to decide how you are going to end this year. My prayer is that despite any issue, circumstance or situation, you choose to end this year STRONG! 


To end the year strong, you can’t let faith and works off the hook. They have to show up and show out!! Whatever you are believing God for, hold on…it’s coming. You have to still put in the work until manifestation happens. Sometimes it feels like you’re doing so much and not seeing manifestation. Sometimes, manifestation feels so long and drawn out. But I came to tell you…you’re closer than you think! Don’t slow down. Don’t put things on the “back burner”. Don’t do it. Keep going. You got this! You can do this! Just cause things are a little rocky now, faith says “hold on for just a little while longer”! Works may want to quit, but faith has to remind it that too much is at stake for you to let go! 


The power of the two…faith and works… amazing. They always have to be together for you to see manifestation. Remember that. 

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