Hi, I’m Trish M! I can’t wait to empower and strengthen you in your faith so that you can walk in purpose and live the life that God has destined for you to live.

I help women of faith go from feeling frustrated and stagnant to confident and secure in who God has called them to be. Â
Prophet. Pastor. Wife. Mother. Motivational Speaker. Empowerment Coach. Entrepreneur. Author.
Trish M is a powerful, anointed woman of God who preaches, teaches, motivates, inspires, coaches and prophesies just as God gives it to her. Her vision is to see more and more people’s lives changed by being saved, set-free, and delivered; fulfilling their call to walk in the things of God wholeheartedly.
Trish M is the Executive Pastor serving alongside her husband, Senior Pastor Derrick Morrissette, at Mind of Christ International in Alabaster, Al. She served as the Director of the Prophetic Ministry and Prophetic Training at Kingdom Agenda International Ministries in Panama City, Fl for over 2 years. She has had intensive prophetic training at the Marketplace International School of Prophets with Apostle Jocelyn Mathis where she was 2nd in charge under Apostle Jocelyn in training other prophets on hearing the voice of the Lord. Not only that, but she has also done extensive prophetic training at C.I. Vision Church in Santa Rosa Beach, Fl. With a global mandate on her life, Trish M is determined to use her voice to bring change to communities and nations all around the world.
Among her many accomplishments, Trish M is an extremely successful business owner. She takes business ownership to another level! She is the owner and CEO of Trish M Enterprises, which houses her translation company, Professional Translations, a translation company that translates to and from over 175 languages worldwide and has over 1000 translators from all over the world in network.Â
Trish M Enterprises also houses her boutique, Trish M Boutique, where she empowers women to look and feel good about themselves. Being fabulous is a lifestyle that Trish M encourages women to wear from the inside out.
Trish M’s vision is to see women fulfill the mandate and call that’s on their lives. She empowers them to be FABULOUS- spirit, soul & body. Trish M wants to see every woman successful in whatever God has called them to do.
She hosts several events throughout the year to help women walk in their purpose and call:
1) The Circle ofÂ
Fabulous Women Summit
2) The Circle of Fabulous Women Retreat
3) The Circle of Fabulous Women EmpowermentÂ
4) Speak Lord Prophetic MEGA Conference
Trish M wants to see women whole and walking BOLDLY in who God has destined for them to be.Â
Click below to learn more about the Circle of Fabulous Women Retreat.Â
Learn More About the Circle of Fabulous Women RetreatMeet the Trish M Team

Tracey Jackson
Senior Manager & Director

Dr. Teresa Woods
Administrative Director

Phebe Hardwick
Coordinator of Affairs
To get to where I am today, there were some key things that I simply had to do.

You not only have to accept that you are chosen by God, but you have to also accept the fact that you need help to be the BEST version of you that God has called you to be.

Now it's time to connect with like-minded people. It's time to connect with people who can help pull greatness out of you. Finding your tribe is essential to your growth.

In going to another level, I realized I had to invest in myself. Next level will always cost you something. It was the best decision that I could have ever made.
See What Others are Saying About Me...

Apostle Jocelyn Mathis
It is an honor and a privilege to have watched Prophetess Trish Morrissette, Chief Apostle in Training, blossom into an accredited Prophet. She has been consistent in her prophecies that have been, and are always on point. As her Mentor and Teacher, I’m overjoyed to have seen her growth that has prepared her for this next dimensional step in Ministry with an open door to the nations. (Jeremiah 1:5-12)
My desire is that God will bless Apostle Trish with Christ minded disciples, men-tees, supporters, and those who have a heart after God like herself. I pray that our Father would bless this Woman of Worth with a double Anointing that destroys the yokes of the enemy bringing healing to the sick, brokenhearted, and set the captives free. I know that she has and will serve the body of Christ as she has served God first and The Marketplace Ambassadors International School of Prophets in Love and Obedience. She is a daughter that has taken hold of the plow and won’t look back; she will move forward and see what the Lord has and will do in her life. This is truly a time where C.I. Trish Morrissette will now rise and shine as she goes forth in excellence as a marketplace Apostle and Prophet with No Fear in Jesus Name as I touch and agree with her in prayer…Amen. How beautiful are the feet are them who preach the gospel…Shalom (Roman 10:15)

Felicia Burks
Prophetess Trish Morrissette, you are on fire!!! You have laser like abilities and definitely in tune with the voice of God!!! To never have connected with me, within 30 minutes of our encounter, YOU, this dynamic, fierce, powerful Woman of God spoke directly into my life only what The Lord could have revealed!!! To tell me my dreams, visions, goals, a piece of my passion and even my spiritual gifts without knowing me….it was nobody BUT God!! The fire of God is upon you and your prophetic anointing is heavier than any I’ve directly experienced!!! Discerning the voice of God and being obedient to His unction is undeniably your gift!!! Prophetess, you know how to ensure His presence and you obediently wait for The Lord to speak to you so that you may speak in a prophetic voice to others!!! My life is touched forever by you, and I’m excited as God reveals the things He’s confirmed through you!!! You clearly announced the call of God on my life!!! I pray incredulous, miraculous, ridiculous, and tremendous favor over your life, your family, your ministry, and everything you touch so that you may richly bless the nations!!! May HE forever prosper you!!! Every BLESSING!!! 1 Corinthians 2:9

Zenovia Andrews
“Prophetess Trish Morrissette is one of the premier voices in Christendom today. She teaches profoundly, preaches prolifically, ministers prophetically, yet lives authentically. She brings a powerful Spirit-filled message that causes a deep desire to go higher in the Lord. No woman that sits under her teaching and preaching of the Word of God can remain the same. Some will be healed, some will be delivered, some will be empowered, some will be challenged, some will refuse to settle for average, but all will be better for the impartation. Her prophetic ministry has been confirmed and come to pass in many lives here at Kingdom Agenda International Ministry”.

Tracey Jackson
Being under the leadership and training of Trish M was one of the best decisions that I could have ever made for my life! She continues to pull the best out of me on a daily basis– gifts and talents that were locked on the inside of me. Being stretched and getting outside of my comfort zone is a daily practice for me. On my own, I never knew or imagined that I would be doing the things that I am doing now in business….nor did I imagine that I’d be going to places that I’m now going. My dreams are truly becoming a reality! I can truly say that now I have more confidence, and I’m standing taller knowing that I can do whatever I set my mind to do. I can now see things before I see them. She has pulled the true visionary out of me, and I’m excited about it! Connecting with Trish M could be one of the best moves you ever made too! She tells us constantly…we don’t have NEXT; we have NOW! Now is your time to connect with her and get ready to go to levels in your life that you never before imagined…Mind, Body, & Business!

Prophetess Tridina Jordan
Prophetess Trish Morrissette is a woman of God with a passion to pursue her God-given purpose. I heard about Prophetess Trish from one of my sons, who was a high school student of hers when she taught at Rutherford High School. His conversation when talking about, Mrs. Mo, as the kids called her, was always exciting, inspiring and full of motivation as he shared the stories about this awesome and cool Spanish teacher who always had time for her students. It was a couple of years later that our family met Prophetess Trish through church fellowship, and what a joy it has been knowing her! She has keen spiritual/prophetic insight concerning those that she comes in contact with. She will speak truth, and only what God shows her. Last year at a women’s conference that I hosted in May, Prophetess Trish gave a word of prophecy to me about our ministry’s needs, and what she said came to past 5 months later, October 2011 to be specific and very precise. I love and support her in every business and ministry endeavor! Prophetess Trish is a woman of integrity, with a genuine love for people from ALL walks of life. It is truly God and her family that motivates her to “Become” all that she can be.
The Fabulous Woman Mentoring Program
Being around the right people makes all the difference when trying to grow. Check out my mentoring program today to see if it's right for you.
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