Own Who You Are

Jan 27, 2023

I had the opportunity to interview 2 dynamic women in the faith. Matter of fact, they’re 2 of my mentees who are in my “The Fabulous Woman Mentoring with Trish M” program. (By the way, this program is amazing, and we are having a dynamic time!  Check it out when you can). But anyway….I interviewed these 2 ladies on books they have written which dealt heavily on insecurities, fears, and the power to overcome. Make sure to check out the podcast below where I do a FABTALK session with Toya & LaTonya. 

One of the major things we talked about were their own insecurities that attracted things in their life that God never ordained. These 2 ladies went through so much. They saw so much. Because they didn’t get delivered or free from their traumas, they attracted things that brought trauma!  

I want to encourage you today. What are your insecurities? How will you overcome them in this year? How will you challenge yourself to be better? As women, so often we don’t know our worth. We don’t understand the value that we bring to the table. We don’t know how to love or even how we’re supposed to be loved. There are so many things that we have to overcome. Sometimes we can put on “the face”.  You know…the face where we show we got it all together and we really don’t. We’re really lonely, stressed, hurt, broken, depressed, fearful, doubtful, etc.  

This is your year to overcome all of that. The first thing you have to do is acknowledge those areas of insecurities. You really have to think about it. Ask God to reveal those areas of doubt and fear, those areas of brokenness, those areas of stress, etc. God cannot heal what you do not reveal. He already knows, but do you? #Selah 

Tune in to the podcast below by clicking the play button!  These ladies are going to help us get our whole life! 

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