Dec 01, 2022

We just came out of Thanksgiving! How are you feeling? You know…the holidays can be kind of hard for many people. That’s one of the reasons why I asked how you were feeling. I pray you didn’t fall into that category. Why? Because I want you to NOT focus on anything negative. Find something good and be grateful. 

That’s the spirit I have- a spirit of gratitude. Gratitude can change your life. It can cause you to be healthier, happier, wiser, stronger and all around better when it comes to living this thing called life. 

I want to encourage you to have a lifestyle of gratitude. A lifestyle of gratitude is simply you creating a system where you document or say what you are grateful for on a daily basis. Buy a simple journal. At the top, record the date. From there, list 5-6 sentences of things that you are grateful for. Now, I’ll say this... With journaling your gratitude, you’ll increase your vocabulary when it comes to writing out what you are thankful for. For example, instead of saying food, shelter and clothing, you’ll learn to be more specific. Journaling your gratitude helps you to be more aware of the many blessings which God has given you. 

December 2, 2022 

  1. I am truly grateful for all the love and support that I receive on a daily basis from people whom I have never before met, but they know me, like me and trust me because they support my newsletters, my podcast- FABTALK with Trish M, my YouTube Chanel (Prophetess Trish Morrissette), etc. 
  2. I love and am truly grateful for the opportunity to grow on a daily basis. I accept responsibility for my life, and I am grateful for things that help me evolve so that I can grow and mature in the things of God. I want to be better. I am grateful for ALL things that God puts on my path to help me be a better woman, wife, mother, prophet, pastor, teacher, mentor, etc.  
  3. I am so grateful for how loving and caring my children are. They always help me when I get home by taking my things upstairs for me. They always ask me how my day was. They always tell me that they love me. 

1 Thessalonians 5:18 

King James Version18 In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.

Tune in to my podcast below. I break down the power that comes with your gratitude. It's going to bless you!


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