This is YOUR Time!!

Dec 23, 2022

Merry Christmas!

I pray you have an amazing Christmas and a wonderful new year! 

I just want to make a few decrees over you for this holiday season. Receive it…by faith! 

I decree: 

Your Christmas shall be blessed and filled with joy. 

You have everything you need. There is NO lack in your house! 

Your family is walking in unity, love and peace. 

You experience God at a greater level than ever before. 

You have a sound mind filled with great expectations for your 2023. 

The enemy will NOT kill, steal or destroy anything of yours. 

You stand firm on the word of God. 

God is giving you the greatest desire of your heart in this hour! 

Receive all these decrees by faith! You will win, and you WILL overcome any and everything that’s trying to overcome you! Be blessed in this hour. 



Trish M 

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