Put it under your FEET

Nov 25, 2022
First off….I pray you had an amazing Thanksgiving! God has truly blessed us to be a blessing! I just want to let you know that I am truly grateful for you. Thank you for the love and support—whether you have been following me recently or for years. I am truly grateful for you! So much so, that I want to empower you to win in a particular area today. FEAR.
Don’t let fear consume you. So often we don’t even realize that we are operating in a spirit of fear because it’s been a part of who we are for so long. In this hour, I want you to recognize what’s been holding you back. It’s time for you to realize that at some point or another, you have been operating in some type of fear. If we are honest, we all have during one point or another in our lives!
So here are a few solutions... Let’s recognize it. Let’s become aware of it. Let’s not be ignorant to the areas of fear that we have been walking in. It’s time to move past that so we can BECOME who we need to be. One thing about fear…fear is a PARALYZER! Find an area that you have been stuck in for some time now. I can pretty much guarantee that there is some form of fear at the root somewhere. But, until we recognize it, we can never move past it!
Let’s move forward this season with power, love, and a sound mind. No fear. No doubt. No disbelief. It’s time for us to win at a greater level!

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