Put in THAT Work

Dec 16, 2022

Let your obsession be real for 2023!

What is obsessed? It’s “having an obsession for something”. Well, what is an obsession? An obsession is “the domination of one's thoughts or feelings by a persistent idea, image, desire, etc.” according to dictionary.com.

I want you to have an obsession for success. I want your thoughts to be dominated by thoughts of having an amazing year, a successful year, a fruitful year….a year of overflow! If your mind becomes obsessed with that, then you can manifest that! The bible says that so as a man THINKETH….yep….then so is HE! If your mind takes on an obsession of being successful and seeing increase, then you become it…you have it! 

A key to that, is putting in that work! Think it…then work for it. Think it…then manifest it….. think it….and believe it! Think it…and never let that thought fall to the wayside. You can’t let faith off the hook! Put in that work and testify about it later!

Be obsessed with what your life could be. Be obsessed with thinking of what you could have. When trials, tribulations and situations come to interfere with your obsession of being successful, add more faith and more work! You will not settle for less! You will see glory!

Faith + works / trials / tribulations / situations / issues + more faith + more work = MANIFESTATION 

Don’t give up. Be obsessed with winning. Be obsessed with next level. Never ever let faith off the hook even when trials come. You will win if you faint NOT!

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