May 12, 2023

You know God is moving when you see the hand of the enemy trying to interfere by bringing chaos, confusion and disruption. That’s a true sign that you’re on the verge of something amazing. Now, I know that’s not something we like or want to go through, but I want to encourage you to keep it moving. It’s when you become stagnant that you relinquish your power. You are the one that can STOP what’s next if you allow what’s happening now to stagnate you. Don’t ever give the enemy that much power over your life!  

Winning isn’t easy, but somebody’s got to do it. I prefer that you be that somebody and not the devil. See, he’s doing his job by roaming around seeing whom he can devour. That’s his role. But remember, you have to stand in the midst of him roaming. You have to win in the midst of the chaos. Find your why. Stand by your why. WIN because of your why! 

That’s it. That’s the post. That’s the message. Win. Give yourself no other option but to win! Check out my podcast below. It’s going to give you strategic ways to win in a time like this.


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