Oct 14, 2016

Can you sense it in the atmosphere?  Can you feel something moving?  Can you sense that things are changing?  Yep, your season of transition is here! The question is…are you ready for it?

You’ve entered into a new season in your life where dead things and unfruitful things are falling away.  If you couldn’t tell it already, God is making room for your increase.  Yep, relationships, finances, divine connections, new direction with new doors….it’s all happening in this new season of your life!

I know… thought I was simply talking about the fall season, right?  I got news for you….God is shifting you higher and to greater things and greater opportunities!  Sounds easy to you?  Well, I got news for you…..IT AINT THAT EASY!

Let me just give you a few biblical examples.  Let’s start with Abraham.  When his season of transition came, Abraham just did it.  We don’t hear not one complaint from him when God told him to go.  I’m sure it wasn’t easy for Abraham to leave his friends and family, but he did.

Let’s look at Moses’s season of transition.  God was calling him to do a great task.  He elevated him to talk to and challenge kings, to be a leader in a whole new capacity which in turn was going to cause him to be stretched and used like never before.  When that season came upon Moses, Moses did his best to get out of it.  He made excuses for not being able to do what God asked him to do.  He didn’t think he could do it. Instead of God allowing Moses to get out of his season of transition, God simply told him that He would give him some help.  He would allow Aaron to help him.  No matter what God wanted Moses to transition into what He had called him to do.  The only thing that was standing in his way was FEAR!

The last person that I want to share is Joseph.  Joseph’s transition was a little challenging.  Before he went up to his rightful place, he first came down.  Yep, he went to that low place before he went high! Why….because he shared dreams and visions with people surrounding him that didn’t want to see him exalted, so they did what they could to bring him to a low.  They didn’t understand that no matter what they did, God was still going to manifest His glory for Joseph!

So, with that being said, in your season of “transition”, which mindset will you take?  Will you be like Abraham who had an “if God said it, then that’s it and I trust Him” attitude?  Or, will you be like Moses who was scared and intimidated by his next level and he tried to come up with excuses as to why it wasn’t time for him to transition yet?  Or, will you be like Joseph and NOT be able to see and understand that in the middle of transition, you can’t tell everybody what God is about to do for you?  You can’t be quick to speak in this season and share your goals, dreams and visions with everyone; it doesn’t matter how close they are to you. You have to be wise as serpents, but gentle as doves.  In this season of transition, which person will you imitate?  Choose wisely.  I would hate to see you go to the pit before you make it to the palace; however, in all things….the word says that God was with each of them.  Remember that.

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