Dec 02, 2016

Life. Issues. Circumstances. Situations. It’s a part of the path of life that we seldom like to take. Let’s face it….who wants to go through issues in their marriage, finances, health, well-being, etc.? Nobody, right?

Well, it’s a journey that we all have to face at some point or another. During my prophetic training program the other day, “The Prophetic Gift Zone”, we had a Mastermind Session. During this session, one of my mentees had to minister to us for 20 minutes on whatever the Lord put in her heart. One thing that she talked about was not letting anything or anybody rob you of your peace. You see, when we have the peace of God upon his, it doesn’t matter what happens. Our trust is still in God no matter what. Here’s a major point that she made….If you have faith, then you have peace. When your faith is being shaken, that means your peace is being pulled away due to a circumstance, issue or a situation.

You have to stop and check your faith. Faith, where are you now? Remember, if you have faith, then you have peace in knowing that God got it and He got you. Faith and peace work hand in hand.

If you find yourself uptight, nervous, fearful, doubtful, etc…..then your peace is gone and your faith has been challenged. Don’t let the enemy rob you of what’s yours. Jesus said “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.- John 14:27”.

Remember, God has already left you His peace through His Son Jesus. It’s up to you what you choose to do with it. Do you choose to take it and run, or do you choose to let it be broken because your faith has been challenged?

No matter what it looks, sounds or even seems like…..you trust God! Grab a hold to the peace that He left you and never let it go! #Selah

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