May 22, 2020

We all have or will have a wilderness experience. If you haven’t, just keep on living! If you look around, you’ll notice that the whole world is actually going through a wilderness experience right now. No individual is left out of this pandemic.

Going through a wilderness can cause you to be in a desolate place. In the wilderness, you will find barrenness also. Along with that, frustration, anxiety, and fear can creep in. There are a lot of things that can happen in the wilderness. But how do you feel knowing that God can and will lead you there?

Matthew 4 New International Version (NIV)
4 Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted[a] by the devil.
Yep. It’s true. God can definitely lead you into a wilderness. Just ask Jesus. Matter of fact, He has allowed us to go through this one called COVID-19! Here’s the thing. God doesn’t just take you to a wilderness place for nothing. Nope! God always has a plan! He wants to see exactly how you handle your wilderness. Can God trust you to win? Can God trust you to overcome? Can God still depend on you when things are uncommon, your money funny, your marriage a mess, your children running ragged, your health isn’t the best, etc.

Listen, I don’t know what your wilderness is during this COVID-19 experience. But I do know that God is testing us all. How you handle the fire is how you handle God! God is all up in this wilderness. When it’s time to come out, believe me, He’ll send us out. But for now, can you prove that you can be trusted with the things that God has given to you. Money. Time. Family. Marriage. Worship. Study Time. Praise. Attitude. Tithe. Offering. Sowing Seeds. Speaking Life not Death….God is looking to see whom He can TRUST. The enemy is looking to see whom he can DEVOUR! #Selah

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