Apr 15, 2016

This question reminds me of the prophetic word that I released recently. I talked about how God is releasing divine resources and bringing in divine connections like never before in this season of our lives.


One thing that I know and have learned over the years is that we NEED people. No man is an island. No man can stand alone no matter how strong you think you are. I know and understand that the key to me getting to the next level in my life is going to be in relation to who I am connected with. I don’t know about you, but I want to make sure that I am connected to the right people.

Ask yourself…..what does your circle of influence look like? Is everybody pretty much on the same level? Are you the most successful or smartest apple in your group? Do you have someone that you are closely connected with that’s mentoring you or speaking in your life in some aspect empowering you to fulfill your destiny?


I tell people that I coach and mentor all the time….You have got to be comfortable with being uncomfortable! Why is that you may ask? Well, if you’re comfortable, that means that you’re doing the same thing that you have always done and that leaves you in a state of comfortability; however, when you begin to step outside of your box, outside of your world, you’ll see that there’s something bigger on the horizon. You got to be challenged in order to be stretched! You got to be challenged to want more, to do more, and to be more!


Here’s a reality. Many of us are sitting on so much potential, so much success, so many gifts and talents that it’s ridiculous! Why are you still sitting on them?? Well, I’ll tell you why. Because you are NOT connected with people who are challenging you to be uncomfortable. You are not connected with people who are challenging you to achieve your heart’s desire. Matter of fact….your connections are all content with just living life, perhaps going to work, coming home and chilling out. That’s comfortable!! That’s not challenging!


Every day, I strive for more. Every day, I look for more opportunities. Not only do I look for opportunities, but I go after them!


What is it in life that you are going after? What is your heart’s desire? What is your dream? Are you dreaming or are you just living? If you are dreaming, then my next question is are you pursuing? If you aren’t pursuing your dreams, then I need to remind you of another one of my infamous quotes….A dream without a pursuit is simply a fantasy! I want you to stop fantasizing and start living your dream!!!


Being connected with the right people can help you accomplish that. I can’t tell you how important it is to have the right people in your life, especially when you are trying to go higher and accomplish more.


I want you to consider something for me. I am getting ready to launch an association…not just any association. This is an association of women who want to get empowered, challenged and equipped for their next level in life. This is an association of women who don’t mind being connected with women who don’t look like them, but yet they are dreaming and pursuing like them!


AFW-Association of Fabulous Women will be launching soon! I’m so excited! It’s all about the connection! It’s all about the preparation! I’m looking to equip, empower and challenge 50 dynamic women to get to their next level in life! Will you be ready??? Will you be one to join this FABULOUS organization!! It’s about to on! Registration will be opening soon!


I want you to be a part of something new and absolutely fabulous!

It’s time to make new connections! Are you ready? It’s time to get coached, mentored, trained and groomed for your next level. It’s time to network with women from all around the world. It’s time to be pushed like never before to follow your dreams!


Don’t miss this next move! It’s on! It’s time to GET CONNECTED!

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