Nov 17, 2017

Yep…that’s my question for you today. What is it? What’s your problem?  How long have you had the problem?  How long have you focused on this problem?

I want to know because I want you to go from being problem-focused to solution-focused.  Focusing on problems brings in depression, anxiety, fears which in turn can bring in sickness to your body,  and we definitely don’t want that!  So, I want to challenge you to start focusing on the solutions to your problems. Being solution-focused is all about being faith-focused. Do you have the faith to believe and know that you have the solution or that God has already provided the solution? You’re just waiting on the manifestation!  And while you’re waiting, you’re declaring, decreeing and believing by faith that your solution is here….like NOW! Yes, it is!

Jesus never came to talk problems. He always talked solutions. His solutions included healing, deliverance and breakthrough. It included peace and protection.  He never wanted to have extended conversations with people who had issues.  He always asked if they wanted their breakthrough, or He would simply command their breakthrough into manifestation!

So, command your breakthrough now in Jesus name! Declare your solution to your problem. Take steps of getting to it, and then watch and see the great manifestation from God! It’s yours, but you got to be FAITH-FOCUSED instead of problem-focused! #Selah

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