Feb 08, 2019

I got to talk to you about something. Now listen. I want you to really think about this.

Do you have faith in God, but have little to no faith in you? Do you trust God, but doubt that things could happen for you? Do you know God is real, but look at situations and circumstances as though they are realer than God? Do you trust God in the process but doubt that YOU can endure through it all?

You see….so many people have faith in God, but doubt themselves. Doubt they can have. They doubt they can achieve. They doubt they can be. They doubt they can do.

What are your doubts and fears about YOU?

I want to remind you that God says you can do all things through Him. If you trust Him, then you trust His Word. If you trust His Word, then that means you believe His Word and what it says about you. That also means that you have to believe in YOU. Don’t be a hypocrite. Don’t say that you believe with your mouth, but your heart is filled with doubts, fears and insecurities.

The only way to get over your fears, doubts and insecurities about you is to overcome them by doing. Faith needs works to exist with it. Faith and works go hand in hand. So if you really believe that you can do something, then the way to overcome your fears is to simply do it! If you believe you can have something, then the way to overcome your fears is to DO what is necessary to have it! If you believe you can be something, then DO what is necessary to become it. You see “believe” is all about faith. “Do” is all about works. Faith without works is dead!

If you believe God (faith), but don’t believe in you, then you got to go back and check your fears. After you check your fears, then you have to DO something to overcome it.

If you believe in God, but don’t believe in you, then something is wrong. You are the reflection of God. You can create. You can produce. You can have. You can achieve. You can become. You can declare. You can decree. You can…….you just have to BELIEVE that YOU can. #Selah

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