Nov 10, 2017

I quoted this the other day for my FabTip of the Day—“If you cannot do great things, do small things in a great way.”.  

So on today, I simply want to challenge you.  When you are not seeing the “great” results….the “great” manifestations that you are believing God for, then what do you do in the down time?

Often times we get weary, frustrated, and simply impatient. What we fail to understand is…it’s really what we do in the waiting that matters. It’s what you do in the process of getting to what you are believing God for that really matters.  

Are you angry, frustrated, feeling rejected or broken?  Are you allowing that to be the “small thing” that you do while you are waiting for the “great” thing to manifest?

Control the controllable. Control your emotions. Control your thinking. Control your actions.  Do small things in a great way that will bring you closer and closer to the great manifestation that God has in store for you!  It doesn’t matter how long it takes. 

Practice doing small things in a great way, and I promise you…God will give you a great blessing as a result of what you do in the off season of your waiting!

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