To Trust or NOT to Trust

Nov 18, 2022

My question is loaded for you today. Can you trust your FAITH? That’s truly a selah moment, a “think-on-this” moment…. I had to share this question with you because God is about to release some major things in our lives prophetically, but can you trust your FAITH to hold on till it manifests?  

You see, my husband preached a powerful word on faith a couple of weeks ago. There was one question that he asked that made me really think. It’s a simple but loaded question. Can you trust your FAITH? Period. He said that a faith that hadn’t been tested is a faith that can’t be trusted. You see, we can talk faith all day long, but can we truly say we have it (FAITH) when it’s tested with trials, tribulations, and situations. Will you still have faith to believe that God is about to manifest something BIG in the midst of it all? #Selah 

Let me encourage you. Stay focused. Trust the process. Something BIG is on the horizon, and I don’t want you to miss it! Let your faith be tested. It’s ok. Just hold on and don’t give up till you see the very thing(s) that you have been believing God for. It’s on! 

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