There’s POWER in Knowing

Jun 02, 2023

It’s time to go to another level. It’s time for something more. It’s time to be something more…to do something more. But you know what that takes? It takes prayer! It takes meditation. It takes seeking the face of God as you believe God for more to manifest in your life! 

In order to go to another level, again you have to seek God. I’m telling you in this newsletter to seek God in a more intimate way. That’s right. Get more intimate with God. You know how you can do that? By calling him by His Power Names. You do know that “God” is just a title for a divine being, right? Yep…that’s just a title, but it’s something about knowing God’s names that make you more personal, more intimate with God. As the children of Israel experienced God, they named Him. When Moses asked God who did he need to say sent Him…he wanted to know God’s name. God told him to tell them that “I Am” sent you. The name “I Am” can be translated from Hebrew to English as Yahweh. It can also be translated as Jehovah. So, when you hear someone say “Yahweh God”, that means “I am God”. If you hear them say “Jehovah God”, that also means “I am God”.   

There are so many power names for God. A perfect example is Jehovah Rapha (I am Healer). Another example would be Jehovah Shalom (I am Peace). When you begin to call on God by one of His power names, you are being specific in your prayers to God because you want a specific thing released for you. Take your prayers to another level by calling on the power that you need to manifest through God’s power names. Ask Him to release His glory through the particular power that you are praying about. 

There is so much more! I taught about this in my podcast below. Tune in and listen. It’s going to enlighten you on how to use God’s power names. 

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