Jun 07, 2019

Power- ability to do or act; capability of doing or accomplishing something; to give power to, to make powerful.

Secret- something that is hidden or concealed, a mystery.

What if I told you that there was a secret that was being kept by YOU from YOU! Ok, wait…. How can that be? How can you keep a secret- a hidden thing from yourself?

It’s simple. You know what God’s Word says about you, but you hide it from YOUR life. You conceal it from YOUR life. Your life becomes a mystery of not knowing what you’re supposed to do NOW simply because you hid God’s promises for your life from yourself. Sure, everyone else can have and do, but you…..NAH… ain’t happening, right? WRONG!

The power has and will always be within you and within God’s Word because God’s Word reveals to us the power that we have and the promises that He has made to those that love Him. The problem is that you’re not tapping into the power. Instead, you settle for your now, and hide God’s Word without focusing on what’s next!

What’s next is always something more than what you’re experiencing right now, but are you ready for it?

Are you ready for your NEXT in your:

1) Finances

2) Gifts and callings

3) Relationships

4) Business/ ministry

5) Marriage

6) Mindset

If you answered “yes”, then the power of your next is within you, but you got to get into God’s Word so that you can figure out how to obtain it.

There’s nothing new under the sun according to the Word of God. You have not your NEXT because you ask not specific things in regards to your NEXT. If you ask, God will give you strategies, divine connections, divine impartations, open doors, favor, etc. But in order for you to get it…..the secret is……you got to tap into God’s word, ask for your desires, ask for direction, ask for confirmation…everything that you need is in God’s Word. He put His Word in you. His spirit is in you. His peace is in you. The secret is….you’re not taking that Word, His Spirit, His peace, His power, etc. and using it for your life. The power is in you, but are you ready? #Selah

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