The Power of Obedience

Nov 11, 2022

I interviewed an awesome woman of God on my podcast last week. Her name is Joanna Powers. Joanna has a phenomenal story about hearing God and being obedient to what she heard.  

One thing I know, when you get direction from God, you can’t help but be blessed! God will lead you where His grace will cover you, and his favor will consume you. You simply have to go! Despite fear, doubt, hesitation….you simply have to do it SCARED. You have to do it NOT knowing all the details. You have to do it trusting that God got your back! 

The only way to do it is scared when you have fear, doubt, and insecurity trying to stand in the way. That still small voice that’s been speaking to you, trying to lead you, trying to direct you, trying to confirm you…..that’s God. He’s working on you in this season. Let Him do it. Don’t get in His way.  

I really want you to listen to Joanna’s story. It’s going to bless you and give you the encouragement that you need to move forward in God. Don’t miss it. This is prophetic. Make sure to tune in NOW. It’s going to bless you! 

Click here to check it out now!

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