Oct 13, 2017

You’ve been hearing me talk about breakthrough for the last few months now; however, my question for you is….do you believe it?  Do you believe that God really has breakthrough for you in these last few months of the year?

It doesn’t matter what just came up.  It doesn’t matter the issues that you’re facing right now.  What matters is….do you trust Him through it all?

I prophesied that the last 6 months of this year were going to be months of breakthrough! Yep, I said it, and I myself received every word that God allowed me to release!

There were times that I wondered even after God allowed me to release that word….I wondered about the timing. I wondered when God was going to actually manifest breakthrough for me and my house.  But I then soon realized that “when” was not up to me.  What was up to me was for me to keep pursing greatness, keep pursing the promise, keep pursuing my destiny no matter what obstacles came! And I must say….I have endured some obstacles!

Well, let me be the first to admit that I am NOT a quitter! Quite the contrary.  I consider myself a conqueror, an overcomer. To get to where God needs me to be, I choose to face my giants daily.  I choose to overcome adversity! I choose to trust God through it all!

Despite every obstacle that I have faced, I am excited to say that on tomorrow, I will be opening up my brand new store, Trish M! Whew! I’m still amazed at how God gave me this breakthrough! In due time, I’ll tell my testimony in full, but for now, just know that He did it! 

This is one of my breakthroughs that were prophesied.  I have some more coming! You know how I know? Because I believed the word that was released through the Prophet (me), and because of that, I’ve got things coming to me! My faith account is on FLEEK y’all! Lol! Let’s just say that I’m crazy enough to believe EVERY promise that God has made me! I wake up expecting AWESOME things to happen! Do you?

I just want to remind you that something awesome is manifesting for you as well! What is your faith account looking like right now?  Whatever it is, take it to another level so that you can have the right amount for this next level of God’s manifestations! It’s going to be amazing, so get ready! #FaithForward #Breakthrough #NowBlessing

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