Jan 13, 2017

I Corinthians 2:9
But as it is written, Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God has prepared for them that love him.

Did you see the first word “but” in there?? No matter how you’re feeling right now, no matter what frustrations have carried over into the new year, or no matter what new frustrations have manifested, God always has a BUT!!!

So, before you get extremely discombobulated, God wanted me to remind you that you are on the verge of something BIG!! Yes, that right….something BIG!!

Now, you may have to clean out your closet a little bit…..get rid of old things like relationships, habits, certain people, certain issues…..frustration, unforgiveness, guilt, shame, hurt, rejection….etc…the list could go on, but as long as YOU know what it is…if you clean it out, then you’re making room for what God has prepared for you!

See, I really want you to get this….some things, people, situations, issues simply can’t be a part of your 2017…not if you really want to get what God has prepared for you this year.

Stop ignoring the warning signs. God has given you confirmation. It’s time for you to act like you know that you know that you know……

I’m telling you…you haven’t seen what God is going to do yet. But before God breaks through…..YOU HAVE TO BREAKTHROUGH!!! Let go….and let God!!

Some things are simply not worth the anxiety, depression and fear that comes with them.

You are a butterfly coming out of your cocoon. It’s time for you to spread your wings and fly…no fear, no doubt, and no disbelief. Just fly into the beauty of what God has for you!

This is your year of breakthrough. Believe that.

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