My Kind of LOVE

Feb 04, 2025

We're entering into what the world considers "love" month. I got to ask you a question. Are you feeling loved and appreciated right now? Your significant other, loved ones/family members, friends, coworkers, etc... do you feel like you're getting the love that you would like?

When we think about these questions, we have to look at love the way God looks at love. Love is not just about feelings; it's about ACTION. We can say we love people all day long, but if those actions aren't backing up the words, then sorry to say it, but those words could have been kept to oneself!

Understanding love is understanding God. God is love. To know God is to know love. If we work on loving God more-- being in His presence, worshipping Him, Loving Him, studying His word, etc., then us loving others would be no problem. In loving God, we learn to forgive, we learn how to treat others better, we learn how to be empathetic and patient and kind... we learn how to deal with our emotions better... we learn how to control our anger.

So I must ask... how is your relationship with God lately? However it is, it will be displayed in your relationship with people. You will be less angry, less impatient, more kind, less frustrated, etc. All you have to do is let God have the wheel and simply trust Him. He'll show you how to be a BETTER lover. 

There's so many more points that I want to share with you on this. Tune in to them below. I go deeper on it. It's going to bless you. Make sure to share.


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