Oct 02, 2015

Let’s face it…life can be a bit of a challenge sometimes. But one thing that I have learned over the years is that….it’s what you do with those challenges that makes the difference. There are many people out there who are struggling financially, mentally, emotionally, or even physically in their bodies. It seems like if it’s not one thing, then something else tends to stick its ugly head up. It’s a daily battle to overcome the struggles that life tends to bring. But guess what…..YOU CAN DO IT!!! No matter how hard, no matter how small, you have been genetically created to overcome. The word of God tells us that we can do ALL things through Christ who gives us strength to do it. We have to realize that nothing is impossible for us to get over because we serve the God of the impossible who makes every crooked place straight…every rough road he can smooth it out for us. The problem is, we forget to trust God sometimes. Know that he brought you to it, and he will definitely bring you through it! So, when you find yourself in a slump because the challenges of life have gotten you down, remember to:


1) Take a deep breathe. Don’t panic.

2) Encourage yourself immediately so that you can cancel out the negative thoughts that the enemy will place in your mind. Tell yourself “IT IS WELL”. You will get through it!

3) Speak to your fears….whatever your fears are telling you at that very moment, speak the opposite into your mind and your spirit.

4) Acknowledge that this shall pass.

5) Tell God that you trust Him.

6) Believe that God has already worked it out.

7) Prophetically praise God for the manifestation.

8) Now walk it out by faith no matter what your carnal eyes are showing you!


God has allowed the challenge(s) for a reason. Trust that in the end, you will come out better than you were before!

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