Dec 01, 2017

It is the perfect time to change your mind so that you can change your life so that your 2018 will be one of the BEST years you’ve had in a very long time!!! Are you ready? I hope you are cause I sure am!!!

Every year at this time, I release my “From Drab to Fab in 21 Days Coaching Program” because I want to empower minds and hearts like never before to expect and position themselves to receive something absolutely amazing for their new and upcoming year!! It’s so on, and I want you to be ready!!!

So on today, I am opening my coaching program, “From Drab to Fab in 21 Days”, for only $47!!!! Wow!! You can’t beat that!! Get 21 days of coaching for only $47!!! It will be on sale for just $47 the ENTIRE month of December! So, I wanted to give you an idea of what this program entails:

21 Days– Become a Better Person &

Change Your Life NOW!


Daily Life Coaching To Build a Better Life

& Be a Better Person in 21 Days!


If you’re seeking coaching that will help you CHANGE YOUR THINKING, WHICH IN TURNS CHANGES YOUR LIFE, AND AS A RESULT WILL CHANGE YOUR DESTINY — then this program is for YOU!

Eliminate bad habits, get unstuck from ruts, achieve your dreams, get to the next level of success and be who you’re destined to be — while living a fulfilling & FABULOUS life!

My 21 day program empowers you to OVERCOME everything that’s blocking you from being the person you desire to be and achieving your personal and professional goals.

In 21 days, this virtual training program will give you step-by-step techniques and detailed plans to get every area of your life in order… and eliminate life’s roadblocks and obstacles that show up unexpectedly and discourage you from crossing the FINISH LINE into the life, success and happiness you know you deserve.

Are you ready? Get sessions on a daily basis to help improve your life so that you don’t live a life haphazardly hoping and wishing things could be better! There’s 21 sessions! I believe in over delivering! You get more than 11 hours of high-quality, laser focused information for every area of your life.

You’ll learn new techniques you can use IMMEDIATELY to begin shifting your life.

30 Minutes a Day to Change Your Life

IF you want it now, then there are some things that you have to do NOW. You have to take time to better yourself, time to elevate your thinking, time to work on getting to your next level….I came to tell you that time is NOW! Why put off tomorrow what you can easily do today?

Investing in your next level is extremely important! It’s time to start seeing your life differently! It’s time to start pursuing your dreams! It’s time to see your life like you’ve never seen it before!

If you can take just 30 minutes….that’s right….just 30 minutes of your day to get challenged, get pushed, get coached on being the best you that you can possibly be…..then I can promise you, you won’t regret signing up for this program!

You’ll get:

21 Day Audio Program

A virtual 21 day personal success system that gives you hard-hitting, well-planned, high-level training to take you from drab to FAB, from chaos to organization, from organization to breakthrough, from breakthrough to maximum success, from maximum success to worldwide leadership!

21 Day Fab Journal

Get ready to take fabulous notes that will lead you to a fabulous success! Each and every day of this coaching program will be filled with wisdom nuggets and challenges for achieving the ultimate success in your life! Note-taking is a MUST!

21 Day FAB Calendar

Clarity and Direction……… This calendar will give you the guideline that you need to going from living a drab life to living the ultimate FAB life that God has ordained for you to live. Get ready to walk in purpose like never before!

So, are you ready?? It’s time to invest in yourself. Step outside of the box. Do something different with your life! It’s time! Check out the testimonials below. You’ll absolutely LOVE this coaching program!!

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