Oct 28, 2016

Well, today I am SUPER excited to let you know that Prophetic 101 is here!!


I know many of you are like…..what exactly is that?

Prophetic 101 is one of my many programs in my FabLife Prophetic Training Program. Today, is the launch of it, and it’s a 3 Day FREE training program for all those who are interested! It’s 3 days of specific classes- Prophetic Myths, Prophetic Dimensions, & Prophetic Overview. These classes are awesome!  You definitely want to sign up!

These classes are a pre-launch to my FabLife Prophetic Training Program – The Prophetic Gift Zone – a 12 month mentoring program for all those gifted in the prophetic which we are NOW enrolling for!

I’m giving away 3 FREE classes to give you an idea of how my prophetic program is.  I love empowering, equipping, educating and encouraging prophetic voices from all around the world to walk effectively in their prophetic call! 

If you’ve never taken any of my classes, then today is a GREAT day to get started!

Our Prophetic 101 classes have been amazing to so many people all around the world! It’s our prerequisite course to our 12 Month Online Mentoring Program, The Prophetic Gift Zone. If you want to know what our 12 month program is like, then taking these 3 FREE classes first will give you just the insight that you need.

This program is done online right from the comfort of your own home. It has made a HUGE impact in the lives of so many people! Check out some of the testimonies:

Ramonda B – “This is the most phenomenal training course that there is TODAY! This has helped me to understand my entire life! I am a more confident woman because of this program.”

Kendra B.- “I am so glad I’m in this training program. Thank YOU JESUS!!!!! THANK YOU GOD for the vision, insight, and OBEDIENCE of Prophetess Trish Morrissette! This course was tailor made for me. I’m getting what’s mine ya’ll!”

Felicia M.- “For months I prayed to God for a mentor to help me birth this gift that I have been carrying around for 20 years. God did just that when he allowed me to cross paths with Prophetess Trish over the summer! I have been stretched, challenged, enriched, inspired, and encouraged through this training class. Thank you Prophetess Trish for obeying the voice of God!”

Glory to God for what He has done and continues to do with everyone that He sends me to help cultivate what He has put on the inside of them!  You know…’s funny!  Last night, one of my mentees had to speak to us for 20 mins on what the Lord has put in her spirit to say.  Do you know what she talked about? Well…I’m glad you asked! Lol!  Well…she talked about how God is searching for the man that He knew before He formed him in his mother’s womb.  He’s seeking for the man that He put purpose, gifts, talents, anointing in.  He’s searching for THAT man. When He finds the man that’s not walking and pursuing destiny in the things that God has called him to, then it grieves His spirit.  It grieves God to see his people stagnant and not standing and walking in what God has called them to!  Wow….I’m only giving you a synopsis, but this word was POWERFUL!!! I told her to not be surprised if I take it and do a motivational moment on it at my church! Lol! I’m just saying….that was a GOOD word!!!

So with that being said, let’s walk in purpose together! When God seeks you, let Him find you pursuing destiny and walking in purpose! My 12 month mentoring program is open. Before you enter the program, take these 3 FREE classes.  They’ll bless you! Register TODAY!!

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