Sep 21, 2018

I have to apologize! I apologize because I miss talking to you.  I miss motivating and inspiring you! I miss encouraging you and challenging you to get to your next level!

The last couple of months have been extremely busy, so my newsletters have been hit and miss! I’m back now, and I got something to share with you!

Today, I want to talk to you about next level.  As many of you know, I just came out of my 5thannual Speak Lord Prophetic MEGA conference! When I tell you that it was amazing!! Whew!! Words can’t describe it!

But here’s the thing…. At the conference, we got a chance to witness miracles, signs and wonders! Yep, God is still in the miracle working business, and I LOVE IT! You see, blind eyes were opened at this conference and degenerative diseases were removed out of the bodies of those who needed it! Listen, this is NO joke! I ministered on Saturday night, and one of the things that God led me to do during the altar call was lay hands on the sick and speak supernatural healing over them! 

There was one lady who is one of my mentees in the Prophetic Gift Zone as well as a member of my church, who had been blind since childhood, and she really wanted to receive her sight. I laid hands on her and began speaking it into existence.  Of course, there was demonic manifestations, but I teach and train my mentees how to handle this in order to maintain control over your atmosphere instead of letting demons take control….see that will preach right there! But anyway….these demons told me they didn’t want to let her go. In the midst of this, fear began to speak.  She wanted her next level, but the thought of what that looked like….the unknown…..was a little scary. So, we had to deal with fear before she could get to her breakthrough!

So what am I saying to you? Before you can get to your breakthrough, you first have to deal with the fear of the unknown, the fear of what’s next, the fear of not knowing all the steps to take, the fear of not having everything you need, the fear of being alone, etc.  You name your fear! But be real about what it is.  See, when next level comes, and you’re not ready, you can completely miss God!

So, I want you to start acting like it’s already done….no doubt, no fear, no disbelief! God has a miracle, blessing and breakthrough with your name on it, but you got to ask yourself…..”WHAT AM I AFRAID OF?”.  That’s right…..what are you afraid of?

Once we were able to deal with the fear, some of her sight was restored. She can now see images of people, and she couldn’t do that before! Look at God! 

Listen, you are blind right now to something that God is trying to do in your life. The fear of letting Go and trusting God, is limiting you.  You will never be able to see it until you become vulnerable and completely trust God. In your own strength, no….you can’t do it. But once  you overcome your fear with faith, miracles will begin to shift your entire atmosphere!

Are you ready for your miracle? Then overcome your fears…..#Selah

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