Sep 25, 2015

Some believe by saying they have faith, it is an automatic thing. However, having faith is far more than just a belief. It is an action and a choice. Much like love, we are given a choice whether to put it to work or leave it sitting on our Christian shelf. Christianity has no room for shelves. It is not about trophies to put on display. Faith is not just believing, but it is believing and then putting that belief into action. The bible tells us that “faith without works is dead” (James 2:20). For example, suppose you believe in your heart of hearts that God promised you that you would have your own business and that it would be prosperous. Well, step one has been accomplished. You start your own business, but you fail to follow up. You fail to strategize. You fail to execute properly. Then you no longer believe that God wanted you to start the business so you decide to close shop. You fail to realize that yes, God promised it to you, but there are certain things that you need to do to position yourself for the prosperity that was included in the promise. Again, as just stated, faith without works is D E A D. So take the time to put in the work to get to the abundance that God has proclaimed to you.

Do a self check. How’s your faith? What are you doing to see the manifestation? Once you see or get the manifestation, what are you doing to maintain it? What are you doing to go to that next level with what you’ve maintained? Is it time to write a new vision for a NEW NOW faith? Really ask yourself….how IS your faith? Is it the type of faith that will move mountains, or is the type of faith that aint moving nothing? Really……How’s your faith? Selah……

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