God wants the Glory out of Your Life

Oct 28, 2022

God is up to something big with YOU! Listen, things are shifting. Things are happening. It may not feel like it, but it is! God wants to get the glory out of your life!  

In order to get the glory out of your life, there are some things that MUST happen. Are you ready for it? One of those things that has to happen is frustration. Ouch! Yep….God will often send the frustration before He sends the elevation. That means that many times before you experience the breakthrough, you will first experience the frustration that comes before the breakthrough! Yeah…I know. Who wants to be frustrated??  

Let’s check God’s track record. Any time that God wanted to bless someone, they had to go through a time of testing. They had to prove that they could handle the glory that God was trying to put on their lives. You see handling the glory of God means that you have to show God that you can handle the weight of His glory. You can’t quit on God. You have to keep it moving in spite of your frustration. You know why? Cause then you will have a story about the glory! Come on somebody! You will have a story about what God did! 

Abraham trusted God in the midst of his heaviness (barrenness and going to a foreign country), and it was credited to him as righteousness. Joseph was sent to a pit before he encountered the palace. Moses pleaded with God about his next level because he wasn’t secure in himself, which led to frustration. David had to wrestle lions and giants before he came into his kingship. 

The list can go on and on. I break this down in my podcast where I gave everyone an understanding of what the glory realm of God truly is. This is powerful. Don’t miss it. Check it out below. It’s going to bless you! 

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