Oct 27, 2017

Ok so here’s the thing….I see or hear of so many people going through so much mentally! The enemy is getting the best of them with their thoughts, will, emotions….but I have to come to say that it’s time to get your mind right!

That’s right! It’s time to deal with the stinking thinking. It’s time to deal with those moments of anxieties, fears, doubts. It’s time!

So, I want you to make sure to follow my ministry page on Facebook (Trish M) as well as my periscope page (@ladytrishm). I’m about to do a series of talks on getting your mind right and battling strongholds the right way! I’ll be going LIVE throughout the next few weeks, so make sure to turn on your notifications.

All I know is that God is about to take many of us to another level in the things of Him, but first, we have got to be mentally ready for our NEXT! So as a man thinketh then so is he! So, what exactly have you been thinking these last few weeks or months?

Whatever it is, it’s time to re-establish your thinking and your position! We’re trying to go to greater! Staying stuck is NOT an option!

So get ready, we’re going to tap into our greater! Make sure you’re ready for my LIVE Midday Rhema talks or the Fabulous Friday word of the day!

If you missed the word from today, then make sure to check it out below!

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