Aug 13, 2020

We’re in the 8th month! Are you ready for the “new new”??!! God is up to something big….new….different…..and refreshing! Are you excited yet?
You see the number 8 represents a new first.  The 8th day of the week begins a new sequence of the 7th day week. Eight is a sign of covenant with God. It represents new life in Christ. Eight represents Jesus himself!
God is ready to establish something new for you in this month. Set your eyes on things above. See beyond where you are. Things are changing. God is moving even when you don’t know or understand what He is doing in this hour. The key is to trust in His newness. You have to trust in what He is doing.

Another thing about the number eight is circumcision. Circumcision represents the cutting away of the flesh. It represents crucifying your flesh, getting rid of the excess in your life, and allowing God to do what He does. Pride can hinder your newness if you let it! So, I need you to get your mind right in this eighth month. I need you to expect God to do something new and exciting for you.  I need you to expect favor, blessings, and breakthrough. There is going to be newness for you in this 8th month. Can you perceive it already happening? 

Trust the process. Don’t fight what God is doing. That would be a losing battle for you. Flow with God and see how He blesses you in this month. #Selah

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