Oct 09, 2015

“The truth of the matter is… some point or another, we all have or will be hurt by someone or some thing. It’s a part of life’s cycle. We’re human. We all make mistakes….say things we shouldn’t say… things we shouldn’t do. We fail to realize that often times it’s at the consequence of hurting someone else. There are so many of us still today walking around with wounds that haven’t healed no matter how many times we bandage them up to make them look better. We look put together on the outside, but the reality is…we’re not THAT put together on the inside. If the truth be told, we’re a hot, ugly mess deep down inside. We’ve dressed our wounds so much, but we failed to use the true ingredients that would manifest the actual healing that we need. For many of us, our wounds date all the way back to childhood. There are those who have been hurt, abandoned, molested, or even raped by family members or someone close to them. There are those who have been rejected by church members or maybe even a spouse. Then, there are even those who have been stabbed in the back by someone they cared about or even loved. No matter what the root cause of your hurt, the end result needs to be the same—FIND YOUR PLACE OF HEALING! Finding healing is the key to you being able to move forward and enjoy life as God has ordained. Once you find healing, you’ll have an inner peace from within that only God can give; the peace that surpasses all your understanding. So now, how do you find healing and accomplish this peace that the word of God speaks on?


1) Acknowledge that you’re hurting. Often times we fool ourselves into thinking that we are over something that happened years ago, and the reality is….we’re not. The result of that is…we end up living a lie…lying to ourselves on a daily basis which ends up being torture on a daily basis.


2) If there is still ought in your heart with someone, then go to them to make amends. Take a witness if needed. You have to be the bigger person and make the peace instead of just trying to keep the peace. Keeping the peace suppresses anger, frustration, and resentment that you don’t want or need within your heart.


3) Pray and ask God to cleanse your heart and renew the right mind & spirit within you so that you can walk in the fruit of the spirit- love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness, and self control.


4) Forgive others so that God can forgive you. Holding a grudge or unforgiveness is never worth it. You are allowing yourself to be in a place of bondage which is right where the enemy wants you. Don’t let him win. Forgive those that trespass against you so that God can forgive you. A hardened unforgiving heart is a heart where the love and peace of God cannot dwell.


5) Forgive yourself. If YOU made the mistake, don’t hold it against yourself. You live, you learn. Let go and let God. He’s forgiven you!


6) Let the peace of God consume you! Welcome God’s peace into your atmosphere by letting him know that you’ve chosen to no longer dress your wounds, but you’re now taking the necessary steps to see to it that you’re wounds are completely healed!


Don’t be a prisoner in your own jail cell. The only person that you should be holding in bondage is the enemy, not YOU! Get the healing that you need so that you can get the peace that God freely gives. Then, you can begin to enjoy the life that God freely gave. Your healing is within you. It’s time to release it and walk in peace, love and blessings for the rest of your days. Get your healing now. Don’t delay. An abundant life of blessings is waiting on you.

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