Aug 16, 2019

My husband and I just celebrated another year of marriage. I am so grateful to God for what He has done with our marriage! We got the opportunity to have a quick getaway trip. We stayed at a beautiful hotel with several amenities around us. Even in our room, we had things at our disposal. The problem was…..we didn’t see some of it until it was time to go!

Like seriously, have you ever found yourself in this type of position? What you needed was right in your face the whole time, but you didn’t know it or see it until later; sometimes when it’s too late!

Yikes! When I saw all those wonderful things, I told my husband that we didn’t even realize what we had access to!

This is a prophetic moment. God allowed me to hear Him so clearly in that instance of my life. He was telling me that that’s how His people are. He has given us access to spiritual blessings, but we don’t see it. He has given us divine connections, next level influence, dreams, visions, opportunities…..but we don’t realize that it’s been in our face the entire time! Some way, somehow….your next level is staring at you. But do you see what it is? Do you see who can help you with it? Do you see the investments you need to make in you? Do you see the teachings, seminars, coaching programs, etc. that are staring you in your face? Do you see what God wants you to see?

I am praying for you. I am praying that God opens your eyes like never before to see what He needs you to see. I pray that you connect with whomever He desires you to connect with. I pray that you are not afraid to make divine connections, to do something that you’ve never done…I pray that you step out on faith and do what God is telling you to do!

Are you ready? I’m praying you are! God is doing a new thing, but can YOU see it?? Open your eyes. Your next level is already in your midst. It’s time for you to SEE! #Selah

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