Jun 15, 2018

Ok…..So I know I said I had 6 ways to next level thinking; however, I could not let this pass without giving you this one more thing…which I must say, is extremely important! If you want to have next level thinking, then you have to have “the giving mindset”.

That’s right…I need you to think of ways that you can give more.  Give more of yourself, your time, your energy, your resources, your gifts, your talents, your money, etc!

You can NEVER go wrong with this mentality! As you give, the word of God says that it will be given back unto us a good measure, pressed down and shaken together shall man give unto your bosom (Luke 6:38)! And I am a living witness….IT WORKS!!

I tell you…if I ever needed a breakthrough, I would simply give my way to it! That’s right…I would just give.  I sowed financial seeds that produced harvests of breakthrough for me and my family.  Not only that, when I wanted to have a baby during some of the most difficult times of my life…guess what I did??  I sowed seeds like hosting baby showers for others, buying baby gifts for others, or something as simple as babysitting so parents could have a free night out! Yep, no matter how hard or frustrating it was, I would sit and think of ways that I could give because I understood the power in giving! I would sow seeds in the midst of my lack, in the midst of my overflow…no matter what, I sowed! I truly believed and still to this day believe, that as I sow seeds, a harvest is always coming back to me!  Someway…somehow…God was going to bless me! I simply had to believe and trust Him.

YOU have to remember that as well.  If you genuinely want next level thinking and next level living, think of ways on how you can give more.  Think of ways you can be a blessing to somebody or something.  When you figure it out, watch God do the rest! Here’s to your next level! #Give

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