Jun 08, 2018

# 6 It’s time for you to REFLECT!!

Thinking….next level…..we’re still breaking down ways to do just that! Today, I want to talk to you about the art of reflective thinking.

So many times we’ve heard the saying, “Don’t dwell on your past! Girl keep moving forward!”? Yep, we’ve heard it time and time again. Please know that it’s true to a certain extent; however, I am one who often say….”Look back for your testimony, look forward for your breakthrough.”

Why do I tell you to do that? Because I need you to look back and reflect on your mistakes, reflect on your hard times, reflect on broken relationships…reflect on them! Well, what exactly does reflect mean? Reflection is you examining your failures and mishaps with an eye towards future success. You’re looking at what went wrong, ways you can improve and become better…..it’s not about looking at the person or the situation….it’s about looking at YOU! You see, in order to get to the next level, you have to honestly reflect on how you caused yourself to fail!

So, what is or was it that did it for you? Attitude, little faith, doubt, insecurities, fear etc……what was it that caused you to miss it? Remember, it’s not about them. Today’s focus is all about you.

John C. Maxwell gave us the 5 Rs to this, and I have added an additional one:

1) Review

2) Reflect

3) Recover

4) Rearrange

5) Recharge

6) Refocus

If you truly want to experience the next level of God’s blessings, you have to review a life situation(s), reflect on what went wrong, recover from it- meaning find a way to bring closure to it, rearrange your life so that you can get back to accomplishing what you desire out of life, find a way to recharge yourself (hang around people that will help you do just that), and last…learn how to refocus and keep your mind on what’s ahead.

That’s next level thinking. Can you do it? #Selah

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