6 WAYS TO MASTER NEXT LEVEL THINKING.... #4 – Learn to Focus Your Thoughts!

May 18, 2018

#4 – Learn to Focus Your Thoughts!

Ok, so we are on point number three…and it’s all about focusing your thoughts!

I’ll be honest…I was just tested with this a couple of days ago! I had some negatives thoughts running through my head constantly! So much so, that I found myself just completely dwelling on them for an extremely large amount of time! My mind became CONSUMED with the negative thoughts! I finally caught myself and declared that it was going to stop NOW!! I mean RET NOW!!! I know that’s bad English, but I am being honest. Lol!

Listen, when you know you’re on your way to breakthrough…when you’re on your way to your next level, the enemy will always plant seeds in your mind to try to distract you, to get you unfocused so that you can miss it in this season, time and hour! But it’s up to us to control our thoughts and not allow our thoughts to control us!! If you do that, you’ll position yourself to move forward and progress….you’ll focus on things above instead of beneath you!

So how did I gain control over how I focused my thoughts??

I’m glad you asked! Here are a few steps that helped me:

  1. I immediately acknowledged that my mind was in left field! If you don’t stop and analyze what you are focusing on, your thoughts will forever roam in the opposite direction of where God is taking you! If you are having thoughts of fear, anger, bitterness, rejection, hurt, pain, etc…and you’re not focused, then your thought process could prevent you from entering into your next level.  The word tells us that “so as a man thinketh, then so is he” (Proverbs 23:7).  That’s a real truth! Negative thoughts will lead you to negative places.  Ask yourself if that’s the direction you want to take? #Selah
  2. I began to speak the word over my thoughts.  I began to command foolish thinking to leave me so that I could focus on things that were pleasing to God like love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, etc.  I was not about to allow my thoughts to get the best of me! I commanded them to come under subjection to the word of God!
  3. I understood that my negative thinking was coming in as a DISTRACTION to get me off course of my destiny. Distractions come in to steal, kill and destroy.  They’re part of the enemy’s tricks to rob us of our God-given destiny! The enemy is ready to rob you of it by manipulating your thought process! Just ask Eve.  He manipulated her mind, and completely destroyed her destiny! It wasn’t just her destiny, it was the destiny of all those behind her like you and me. Thoughts can be seeds of distractions sent by the enemy, but if you don’t recognize it, you’ll miss it every time!
  4. I simply refocused.  I was not about to live in NEGATIVE LAND! My address is totally different…and I was not going to allow the enemy to change my address!

You have to know that God is up to something BIG for you and for me; however, a distracted mind will always keep you in SMALLVILLE. So stay focused.  Get your mind right.  We got work to do.  Immediately acknowledge when you’re distracted.  If you do, you will win every time if you do something about it!

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