Mar 30, 2018

We are almost done, but we have GOT to talk about the #9 step, which is a very important one! In order to become a better you, you’ve got to be still and listen to what God is telling you to do, especially in this season of your life!

God is always speaking. Sometimes we’re just too busy to listen.

How often do you carve out time in your day to talk to God AND listen?? See, we often get the talk part right, but we miss the listen aspect of it.

When we listen, that means that we “give attention with the ear; attend closely for the PURPOSE of hearing; wait attentively for a sound” (dictionary.com).

I’ve heard people tell me that when they pray and talk to God, their minds are everywhere, and it’s very challenging for them to focus during their prayer time. You know why that is? That’s because a majority of time, we are stressed. We are so busy doing and being everything for everybody that we can’t focus on what or who we need to be for God!

I got news for you. God right now needs you to BE STILL! He needs you to surrender your thoughts, your will, your plans….to surrender them to HIM. When you come to him with a busy mind….FYI…it’s a form of idolatry! Yep…I know…..that’s rather harsh right! But think about it….when you come to God in prayer to commune with Him, but you can’t because your mind starts communing with all the things going on in your life rather than communing with God, then that means that you’re putting those thoughts before God. Man…..wow! When we come to God, we must completely come to God! We can’t bring any other gods before Him! God is a jealous God, and He desires to sup with you. He desires to commune with you. He desires to download millionaire ideas into your mind, but He can’t do that if you can’t focus on Him. Your mind is in a million places but the right place!

For I hear the Lord saying:

Come here daughter….come here son…..I need you to sup with me. I desire to give you my will. I desire to give you next steps, but in order for me to do that, I need you to BE STILL. I need you to focus on the One who can make all things new, the One that heals, the One that delivers, the One that opens doors….I have released promises to you that are waiting for you to get in position. I need you to steal away from the noise. Steal away from the hurt. Steal away from the pain. Sup with me my son. Sup with me my daughter. I will give you the wisdom that you desire in this hour. You have not because you ask not. In all your getting, get an understanding of the season that you are in. Get an understanding of what I am doing in this hour, but you will never know if you don’t be still and listen!


God is speaking. In order for you to get to your next level of greatness, I challenge you to take 5 minutes a day, just to be still and listen for God to speak to you. As you sit still, take your journal and pen. Wait for Him to speak. When He does, begin to write. As He gives you the ideas, write it down. As He gives you your next level….WRITE IT DOWN!

Your next level is here. God just simply needs for you to listen. #Selah

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